Vertrel™ SDG Specialty Fluid
Vertrel™ SDG Specialty Fluid Vertrel Specialty Fluid  Chemours Malaysia, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur (KL), Shah Alam Supplier, Suppliers, Supply, Supplies | IWATANI MALAYSIA SDN BHD

Vertrel™ SDG specialty fluid performs where maximum cleaning power is needed. Vertrel™ SDG delivers the highest value, offering the following:

  • Excellent solvency power for a wide range of soils
  • Fast drying; low surface tension; nonflammable; and safe to use
  • Significantly safe choice vs. TCE and nPB
  • Designed to replace ozone-depleting HCFCs such as HCFC-225
  • Designed to replace nPB


Because there are multiple Vertrel™ products that can be used for the same application depending on the specifics of your application, please contact us so we can help guide you to the best solution for your needs.

Vertrel™ specialty fluids have the broadest range of cleaning power of any solvent family. Vertrel™ can match nPB cleaning power in most cleaning situations.

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